154 lines
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154 lines
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//go:generate go run github.com/99designs/gqlgen generate
package graph
import (
// This file will not be regenerated automatically.
// It serves as dependency injection for your app, add any dependencies you require here.
type Resolver struct{}
var srv *handler.Server
func init() {
srv = handler.NewDefaultServer(schema())
// limit query complexity
// recover
srv.SetRecoverFunc(func(ctx context.Context, err interface{}) error {
oc := graphql.GetOperationContext(ctx)
// TODO: sanitize oc.RawQuery
logger.Error(err.(error), slog.String("gqlQuery", oc.RawQuery))
return gqlerror.Errorf("Internal server error!")
// schema creates a graphql executable schema.
func schema() graphql.ExecutableSchema {
c := generated.Config{
Resolvers: &Resolver{},
// c.Directives.Authorize = func(ctx context.Context, obj interface{}, next graphql.Resolver, groups []*permission.Group) (res interface{}, err error) {
// // get session user
// user := account.CtxUser(ctx)
// if user == nil {
// // session user isn't found
// return nil, errors.New("401 Unauthorized")
// }
// // has roles count more than 0
// if len(groups) == 0 { // we just want to authorize, no need to check has a role
// return next(ctx)
// }
// // user is in desired role
// for _, g := range groups {
// if g == nil {
// continue
// }
// // Role Check
// switch *g {
// case permission.GroupRFXAdmin,
// permission.GroupDealerAdmin,
// permission.GroupInstallerAdmin,
// permission.GroupIntegratorAdmin:
// if enum.RoleAdmin != user.Role {
// continue
// }
// case permission.GroupRFXUser,
// permission.GroupDealerUser,
// permission.GroupInstallerUser,
// permission.GroupIntegratorUser:
// if enum.RoleSiteUser != user.Role {
// continue
// }
// default:
// continue
// }
// // ORG must be present
// if user.Partner == nil {
// continue
// }
// // ORG Type Check
// switch *g {
// case permission.GroupRFXAdmin, permission.GroupRFXUser:
// if enum.PartnerRFX == user.Partner.Type {
// return next(ctx)
// }
// case permission.GroupDealerAdmin, permission.GroupDealerUser:
// if enum.PartnerDealer == user.Partner.Type {
// return next(ctx)
// }
// case permission.GroupInstallerAdmin, permission.GroupInstallerUser:
// if enum.PartnerInstaller == user.Partner.Type {
// return next(ctx)
// }
// case permission.GroupIntegratorAdmin, permission.GroupIntegratorUser:
// if enum.PartnerIntegrator == user.Partner.Type {
// return next(ctx)
// }
// }
// }
// // failed, user is not authorized to go next
// return nil, msg.NewError(msg.NotAuthorized)
// }
// c.Directives.FieldFor = func(
// ctx context.Context, obj interface{}, next graphql.Resolver, roles []*enum.Role, defaultVal interface{},
// ) (res interface{}, err error) {
// // get session user
// user := account.CtxUser(ctx)
// if user == nil { // return empty if user info not found
// return "", nil
// }
// // check user has a role allowed for current operation
// for _, role := range roles {
// if role != nil && user.Role == *role {
// // on match just call next
// return next(ctx)
// }
// }
// return defaultVal, nil
// }
return generated.NewExecutableSchema(c)
// GraphiQL route handler
func GraphiQL(queryEndpoint string) func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
h := playground.Handler("GraphQL", queryEndpoint)
h.ServeHTTP(w, r)
// Query graph
func Query(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// srv.ServeHTTP(w, r.WithContext(userCtx(r)))
srv.ServeHTTP(w, r)